Applications are now available for the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore's annual grant program. Community organizations are encouraged to seek support for projects that contribute to the health and wellbeing of our community while supporting the mission and vision of the RFL. Community Grants may be awarded for up to $10,000.
Applications for 2024 RFL Grant Awards were due February 1, 2024.
Annually, the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore (RFL) invites community organizations to apply for grants that support deserving projects that benefit our community. Community Grants may be awarded for up to $10,000, depending on the project. In 2023, RFL donated close to $200,000 to 29 community organizations. Since 1999, the Foundation has awarded over $1.6 million in grants to support our community.
RFL grants support the vision and mission of the Foundation.
Vision: The quality of life of Livermore Valley residents is sustainably improved by the philanthropy of the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore.
Mission: The Rotarian Foundation of Livermore awards grants to Livermore Valley charitable organizations, underwrites Rotary projects, and provides financial support to benefit the diverse residents of the Livermore Valley.
Applications for the 2024 Grants are available now on the RFL website and will be accepted through midnight on February 1, 2024. Please visit rotarianfoundationlivermore.org for complete information. Grants will be awarded in April 2024.
The Rotarian Foundation of Livermore is the shared foundation of the Rotary Club of Livermore and the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley. This is the 36th year of the RFL serving our community. As a public charity, the Foundation marshals contributions, fundraisers, corporate sponsorship, bequests and professionally managed investments to support charitable organizations already in our community as well as to develop exciting new programs. The Foundation has grown into a $4 million-plus sustainable enterprise that promotes the common good and nurtures the community.
Download and read the RFL Community Grant Information Document
Please visit the RFL website or send an email to rotarianfoundationlivermore@gmail.com for more information