The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
July 16, 2024
President Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:17 am.
Lori Souza led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Song of the Day - "This Land is your Land" led by Jerry Hawkins.
Thought of the Day - George Duarte "You can't be old and wise if you weren't young and crazy" and "Never complain and never explain".
Joke of the Day - Magician Roy did a magic trick for us.
Visiting Rotarian: Namrata Berry, Assistant District Governor and Bob Tucknott both from the Dublin Club and Tami Hennegan, from Pleasanton North Rotary introduced by Jill Duerig.
Guests: Water Quality Expert and Mayor John Marchand introduced by Jill Duerig.
District Governor Jill Duerig mentioned several upcoming events: Multidistrict Peace Conference Jan 20 in Northern CA. Continuing focus on Rotarian Foundation, hoping every Rotarian will donate at least $25, hoping for $10k donations from those who can afford it.
Women in Rotary event in March
District Conference at San Jose State 1 day
Personal goals - 1. Much opportunity to make the world a better place in politics, be kind! 2. Find your club passion
From Panelists Mony, Dennis and Kevin: "In your opinion what is the best project we’ve done?"
Kevin - Avenues of Compassion
Dennis - mobile health unit benefitted kids, bandstand town focal point that brings community together
Mony - collective effort of our grants from the foundation funds which make such an impact to so many in the community
What is your Magic of Rotary moment?" - magical moment for Jill was one of the VA Christmas parties when she teared up when one of the resident's said "You are the only visitors we get all years."
Mony - To solve a low attendance and participation problem at Marylin School Back to School Night, added a BBQ and daycare for participants to address needs of families and thereby increased attendance to over 90%!
Mobile health increased attendance at the school
Dennis - VA Christmas a Dr. thanked and said how much it meant for the residents
Giving books to 3rd graders who are so well behave and who were so excited to receive the books.
Kevin - People working together doing rotary projects make the magic happen.
Jill - Haiti bringing water to various locales. After an earthquake two years ago, one small town that had been affected said that rotary was their hope and inspired them to get through the hard times.
Jill closed with stating that Rotary is in more nations than the UN with membership close to 1.4M. If you give money to the Rotary Foundation, three years later half of it comes back to the club giving us the opportunity to leverage donations.
Next week we are excited to welcome Melanie Henry, who will speak to us about Driver Cognitive Assessment.