The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
April 2, 2024
President Sherri Simoni called the meeting to order at 8:17 am.
George Duarte led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. A not widely known fact about George is that hekissed the Blarney Stone twice First time his wife videoed him and camera was not on. Then he did it again. Sadly the film canister was lost.
Song of the Day - Sweet Caroline by Bob Tucknot
Thought of the Day -
Philomena Rambo brought us Kevin Drake's Ponderings from Project Happiness Facebook page May 30, 2023 "Be grateful for life. Not everyone made it this far. Somebody didn’t wake up today, but you did. That’s reason enough to stop complaining, and that is enough to be thankful for. Never let your troubles blind you to your daily blessings.
Though we often take it for granted, this life is a gift. Today is a chance to leave complaints and stress behind and embrace the beauty that surrounds us. Let’s count our blessings, keep things in perspective, and appreciate the little things that bring us joy: a warm hug, a kind gesture, a breathtaking view.
I'm grateful for the unwavering support of my loved ones."
Joke of the Day - Eric Dille: If at first you don’t succeed try, try again. and then quit. Why make a fool of yourself.
At all times I carry a small bottle of brandy in case I see a snake. At all times I carry a small snake.
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food!"
Visiting Rotarian:
Livermore Noon Rotary Club's Caroline Sigfried introduced by Philomena Rambo
Dublin Rotary Club's Bob Tucknot category Electrical Contractor introduced by Beth McCormick
Steve Smolder, old friend introduced by Dave Bedford
Terri De Lima introduced by Beth McCormick
Vicky Drake introduced by Dave Bedford
Kristen Drake introduced by Dave Bedford
Brian Drake contractor in Livermore introduced by Dave Bedford
John Freeman introduced by Moni Nop
Sherri gave a shout out to our fellow Rotarians who have gone above and beyond this week to represent our club in the community:
Philomena-Social Events Survey
Philomena-Communication with Drake family
George D. -Stepping up to be Greeter today
Dave Bedford-Getting drinks to St. Charles on Sat
Lauren-Youth protection interviews
The Gift of Reading Project: Philomena said there are some book delivery spots still available. Gift of Reading Sign up Form:
a $10,000 check to Drake's family for the first Kevin Drake Scholarship!
Sherri went over the results of the Spring Socials input - Mark your calendars for a social on April 30th at Mark Hudson's home.
Sherri reviewed the club's numerous accomplishments this year and our achievement versus our goals. Yay us!
Sherri passed out and asked us to complete a club health questionnaire.
Next week we are excited to welcome Kristen Thomas, Director of Partnership Development, from Cristo Rey De la Salle, an Oakland High School for students from underserved communities where all graduates are accepted at colleges around the country.