The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
January 16, 2024
President-Elect Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:16. (Sherri is traveling on business.)
Roy Porfido led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Little known fact about Roy is that he did a magic trick at an early Dianne Feinstein event where he "cut off" her arm.
Song of the Day - Take me out to the Ballgame
Thought of the Day - Invest all your time and resources into your children as they are your greatest asset - Bob Tucknott
Joke of the Day - A pun has not completely matured until it has fully “groan.” - Dave Goulart
Bonus Joke - A college class was told they had an assignment - short essay with religion, sex, mystery. “Good God, I’m pregnant. How did that happen?” Dennis shared on behalf of Jerry Hawkins
Visiting Rotarian: Lori Souza introduced Bob Tucknott, our Electrical Contractor from the Dublin Club
Guests: Beth McCormick introduced Mony Nop, realtor and active community member
Beth McCormick, next year’s President has spots open on next year’s board in International Services, Youth Services (either take on or help Suzanne), Socials. Please reach out to her if you're interested.
Rich gave us an update on Ambassadors for Compassion. New video coming out this week. Plans for large 10,000 student event this September which may be largest Wellness Event ever. AOS in short is a 10 week program including a 2 hour kickoff, 9 week curriculum. Every week groups of 6 students, meet to build emotional resilience, build trust and taking ownership of their lives. The meetings include guided discussion led by rotarians.
Noon Club Crab Feed - March 9, 2024. Roy is organizing our club's attendance at the Noon Club's annual crab feed. Tickets are $80. Roy has tentatively reserved 4 tables of 8. Please email Roy Porfido if you would like to join in the fun with our fellow Rotarians.
The club philosophy is that development of Ballistic players and how we play the game is a greater priority than winning. Our focus is to place more importance on skillful and creative play that will produce better soccer players. It is the philosophy of BUSC that no child will be denied the ability to play at any level based on financial hardship.
BUSC is a proud supporter of the Get On The Bus after school program. Get On The Bus breaks down financial and transportation barriers so that kids can play recreational soccer on a team in their community, while also learning valuable life skills and good study habits through this free after school program. Get On The Bus's mission is to make soccer accessible to as many kids as possible the opportunity to participate in GOTB so that they can use what they learn on and off the field to become positive contributors to their communities.
Next week we will have our quarterly club assembly. Everyone is encouraged to be at the meeting!
We will continue to meet in the Horticulture Classroom, Building 3300. Parking is in Lot J.
Beth McCormick is proposing Mony Nop as a new member of our club, in the Classification of Business Owner/Realtor.
All paperwork has been submitted, and at the January board meeting, our board voted unanimously to approve the proposal. Per our Bylaws, this information was published last week and is hereby also published today in The Grapevine. If any club member has a question about the proposal, please contact Membership Chair Jeannette Albiez. If no objections are received by January 23, we will move forward with installing Mony as our newest member.