The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
December 19, 2023
Opening the Meeting
President-Elect Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:14
Today Sarah Palmer was our greeter and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Little known fact about Sarah is she was a rescue diver, and she rescued people!
Song of the Day - Dustin: We are the World, Lionel Richie et al (USA Africa)
Thought of the Day - Lori: With gratitude for all that our Rotary family does for the community
Joke of the Day -Rich via Roy: Lots of Santa Clause jokes :)
Our traveling Rotarians reported visiting Antarctica, India, Egypt, New Zealand, the Tonga, San Ramon, Amsterdam, England, Africa, Dubai, Morocco...
Visiting Rotarians
Alan Burnham
Erna Grasz
Bob Tucknott
From Jeanette Carol & Mark
Clark Conover, Principal Granada High School
Claire Sahn & mom Tracy Sahn, Student of the month
Student of the Month
Suzanne introduced Clark to present the Student of the Month awardee. She is Claire Sahn. Claire is a 4 time champion and a very active club member at Granada, including the Math, Chess, and Cyber Security Clubs…
She has been a member of the National charity league since the 7th grade. Claire is a member of the Cosmos club for Math and spent 4 weeks at the University of California at Davis campus immersed in math & science. She has worked for the city of Livermore and helped to update their website regarding community arts. Claire has earned a 4.6 GPA taking lots of AP & honor classes. She is heading to Northwestern University after graduating from Granada.
No 10 spot today, save those thoughts for next year
2024 President Elect Vote, announcement
Nominating committee recommends Sarah Palmer
Asked for nominations from the floor, heard none
Sarah voted in! for President 2025/2026
Rotary Foundation donation deadline December 31, 2023
The Children's party was a huge success 116 in attendance
Friday December 29th finish the chicken coop 8:30 (rain or shine)
February 15 Alameda County Community Food Bank
Sleep in Heavenly Peace-We made 60 beds and delivered 40 beds, the need is for pillows. The current waiting list for beds is 400 beds in Alameda County
The VA Hospital luncheon went really well, the Vets loved it. Thanks to Interactors for the Christmas cards. So grateful for the conversational
No meeting on 12/24/23 or 1/2/24-Happy Holidays to all
1/9/24, Our meeting will be at the LPC Horticulture Bldg, "Hydroponics made easy"
Deb Tacker wants recognize our December Birthdays-Dennis Gambs 12/7, Javier Perez 12/6, James Hayes 12/12. Jeff Bickerton is celebrating 20 years as a Rotarian!!!
Our Fellow Rotarian Erna discussed her work with Asante Africa Foundation. Erna is the CEO and one of the founding leaders of AAF.
Asante Africa Foundation is a non profit organization that educates East Africa's youth to confidently address life's challenges, thrive in the global economy, and catalyze positive change.
Asante Africa Foundation achieves results through a set of interlinked programs designed to alleviate poverty by fostering the development of educated and resilient youth.
Their integrated programs emphasize quality learning in the classroom, gender equity, work-life skills, and the power of STEM. Programs are evidence-based and designed to advance education, skill development, and opportunity creation.
Next 2 Weeks We Are Dark, December 26 & January 2.