The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
February 20, 2024       
  • President-Elect Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:13

  • Mony led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

    • Not widely known fact about Mony, He was involved in the Home Addition project when Livermore was highlighted on the National TV program

  • Song of the Day - Dick Fields, Kingston Trio, The MTA

  • Thought of the Day - Ward Eckels, Choices not Chances...

  • Joke of the Day - Mark Hudson, Even if you push the envelope it's still stationary.

  • Rotary Feature:
  • Roy discusses the 4-Way test to familiarize new members and guests
  • Is it the truth
  • Is it fair to all concerned
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships
  • Will it be beneficial to all
  • Visiting Rotarian:  Bob Tucknott, visiting from the Dublin Club, Electrical Contractor, Good Morning Bob!


  • Guests:

George Duarte

Terry DeLima

James Marasco 

Clark Conover

Elise Gularte

Jackie ? Bennie’s guest

Katie Marcel


Clark Conover, Granada Principal introduced Na Vaugn Long, and his Mom Taulese Sampson, and his Grand parents were guests.


Na Vaugn has demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence, He has been on the honor roll each year and is now on the Principal's honor roll.  He has played varsity basketball for the last 4 years. The team has been to the Northern Regionals and State Championship and again this year. 


Na Vaugn has been named the Tri-Valley Athlete of the week.  Clark describes him as inspirational, kind and compassionate.  He plans to major in Business management in college and play basketball.


Na Vaugn says he appreciates the award, and is looking forward to his college plans.  Has applied to UNLV & Oregon State, Cal State Stanislaus.  He wants to continue his basketball career.


  • Still need help with Crab Grab.  Later delivery of crab now at noon.  Several shifts available.  Need just a few more volunteers needed.  Contact Deb Tacker
  1. Jill’s talk at District
  2. Wednesday Social at Garre 4:30-7:30
  3. Crab Grab on Saturday, sold 80 orders, 160 pounds
  4. Granada Career Fair February 28, Let Rich know if you will attend so he can alert Granada High School
  5. Kevin Drake, one of our long time club member has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer, he is now in the hospital.
  1. Youth Protection - Suzanne Richerson gave us an update. The district asks that we all complete the awareness training. Lauren Franzella can send you the link.  The awareness training is only required to be completed once.  Contact Suzanne if you need to check to see if you have already completed the Awareness Training.  For full certification contact Suzanne for details.  If you volunteer for activities that require you to work closely with youth, you should obtain the certification.
  • New Member Announcement: Beth McCormick is proposing George Duarte
 as a new club member in the classification of Mortgage Broker
Upcoming Events
Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Build - March
SHP Barn
Mar. 09, 2024
Club Social: March Wine Wednesday at Garre
Garre Winery
Mar. 20, 2024
4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
RFL Community Grant Awards Presentation
Del Valle Winery
Apr. 24, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
View entire list
TODAY'S PROGRAM: Innovation Tri-Valley

Speaker - Katie Marcel, CEO of ITV Leadership Group


ITV has grown under her leadership, and she has prior experience with Livermore Shakespeare, part of Downtown Livermore Inc.

ITV was founded by Dale Kaye and County Supervisor Nate Miley, 90 regional partners

They authored the 2040 Vision for the Tri-Valley, 24 audacious goals to help keep the Tri-Valley vital.  The strategy is reviewed by the leadership team annually and refined.  This effort was the catalyst for the Three Valleys Community Foundation, a regional non-profit fund. Where Talent Thrives is the latest 2040 report


See Roads to Removal report on Carbon Capture, Andrew Wong the presenter The Valley Link project will use Hydrogen Fuel Cells. The Future of Work is Green is another report worth checking out.

On March 19 at Casa Real, Kim Budil, will be the keynote speaker at the Energy Summit hosted by ITV.


This year the Hertz Foundation, is celebrating its 60th anniversary, and will be partnering with ITV


Stay tuned for the Gamechangers, Award ceremony this year May 9th, 5-8pm Goal Line Studios

Next week we are excited to welcome Yolanda Fintschenko, of Daybreak Labs
50/50 RAFFLE
Bill Stevens!
Meeting Adjourned at 9:15
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