The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
March 5, 2024
President Sherri Simoni called the meeting to order at 8:18
Dennis Gambs led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Song of the Day - Gib Souza, in Memory of Kevin Drake’s love of Notre Dame Football. The Fighting Irish
Thought of the Day - Beth, Being alone is worse than being sad.
Joke of the Day - Mony Nop, In the Spirit of Rotary, How many Rotarians does it take to change a light bulb? None. They ask the Interactors to do it.
Visiting Rotarian: Bob Tucknott, Dublin Club, Electrical Contractor
Guests: Cherie Mirinni (sp), ABC Norcal
Terri DeLima, LLNL, Engineering
James Marasco, Mortgage Consultant
Jackie Mirisciotta, wine ambassador at Wood Family
George Duarte, Beth's Fiance
Sherri gave a shout out to our fellow Rotarians who have gone above and beyond this week to represent our club in the community:
Bed in a Bag Terri, Deb, Mark, Charles, Jill, Suzanne, Rose, Anne, James, Rich, Sherri
Blue Badge for Cheryl Bowers, Congrats!
Best Wishes to Jerry Hawkins for a successful knee surgery, and to Dick Fields as he recuperates. We miss you both!
New member induction, George Duarte. Mortgage Professional of the Year-2024! His Father was a Rotarian. Welcome George.
If you want Rotary Merchandise, visit our website!
Sleep In Heavenly Peace Bed Build on March 9, behind CrossWinds Church-visit the Website for more details.
There’s a St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival in Dublin, March 16 & 17, check it out
March 16, District Meeting in Santa Cruz, 4:30-7:00
March 20, Wine Social at Garre’s Tasting Room 4:30-7:30
Helping Vickie Drake with home repair, security lights, refinishing a garage door. See Sherri or Dave Bedford
Thoughts about how our club can best honor Kevin
New member proposals: James Marasco and Jackie Mirisciotta
This Week's Program
Our guest speaker was Dr. Lars Borg, Cosmo-Chemist at LLNL, Cosmochemical & Isotopic Signatures group. His research interests include geochronology and geochemistry of samples from asteroids, the Moon, and Mars to constrain the nature and timing of processes occurring in the proto-planetary disk and planetary bodies early in the history of the solar system. He possesses a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. There are Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics (or models of the origins of our universe) The Origin and Evaluation of the Terrestrial Planets: The Earth-Moon System.
4.5 billion years the earth has been evolving. The moon was formed in the same way and time frame as the Earth, thus we have a lot to learn about the Earth from the Moon.
From giant impact to formation of a debris ring, the accretion of the Moon and the formation of Magma Ocean, finally the solidification of the Magma Ocean.
The Moon is one of the largest bodies circling a relatively small body in our universe.
By dating the material from the moon they can determine the age of the moon.
The Moon is about 4.37 M years old, so the Moon & Earth formed late in the formation of our Universe