The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
July 9, 2024
President Beth McCormick rang the bell to call the meeting to order at 8:15 am, and started the New Rotary Year!
John Freeman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and shared a little known fact about himself - he is an avid pool player!
Roy Porfido elicited chuckles with the Joke of the Day - Donald Duck and Elmer Fudd walked into a distillery . . . a "whisky" endeavor. (Whisky rhymes with "risky" and evokes the Scottish spelling of our "whiskey.")
Dennis Gambs shared the Thought of the Day - There are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder what the hell just happened...Our new president will make things happen!
Song of the Day will be returning starting next week in LIVE mode, led by our longtime member and singer/guitarist, Jerry Hawkins! (Polish up your folk favorites, starting with This Land is Your Land!)
Visiting Rotarian
Deb Tacker introduced Bob Tucknott, visiting us from the Dublin Club in the classification of Electrical Contractor.
Philomena Rambo introduced Terri DeLima, newly retired from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and enjoying retirement.
Beth McCormick introduced Jean O'Neil-Opipari, STEM Program Coordinator at Las Positas College.
The theme today was to recognize Sherri Simoni for finishing her year as president; Mony Nop, for hosting the Demotion Party; Beth McCormick, wishing her good luck in her year as club president; Jill Duerig, for taking on the challenge of serving as District Governor; and for our club, having the honor of being the Home Club of the District Governor for the first time since we started in 1985.
Returning from a trip to the Panama Canal, Ward Eccles presented President Beth with a bell reflecting local art.
Roy and Jerry led us in singing "Happy Birthday to Some, Happy Anniversary to the Rest . . ."
Rotarian Foundation of Livermore Board Openings for representatives of our club - Beth asked for volunteers and, hearing none, announced that Charles Crohare, Eric Dillie, and Sherri Simoni were willing to step up this year. The membership present unanimously approved!
CHECK OUT THE UPCOMING EVENTS LISTED HERE - also on our website on the Events Page, with complete details!
Beth asked us to envision where we see our club in 10 years, to guide our goals for this year's strategic planning. Some ideas generated:
More diverse, representing our community
Be the club that our community looks to for support
Fill the room, and even a bigger room - 100+ members
Support more local businesses
Support international causes
Have a younger average age to our overall membership
Know each other well
Feed the community, with culinary leadership by Marty Roberts
Be able for each of us to articulate what Rotary is
Our core values as a club
At the recent Board retreat, our club leadership brainstormed core values:
Today we generated some additional ideas, honing in on using the Four-Way Test to guide our work and goals. More to be discussed in the next few weeks.
We are off to a great start this year!
Next week, we will welcome our very own Jill Duerig, in her role as District 5170 Governor!
Remember to let our treasurer Jeannette Albiez know if you'd like to be on the wheel or have an additional slot on the wheel - $5 each week helps support our club!