The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
October 1, 2024
President Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM
Pledge of Allegiance - It took a village, but we did it!
Song of the Day - We missed Jerry! Next week.
Thought of the Day -
Joke of the Day - Roy had a blonde joke :)
Visiting Rotarian:
George Duarte introduced Bob Tucknott from the Dublin Club in the classification of Electrical Contractor.
Guests: non today
New Member Induction! Welcome to Melanie Henry, sponsored by Mony Nop
Thank you Mark Hudson for a lovely social
Birthdays & Anniversaries Deb Tacker, Dave Bedford (Happy Birthday), Jeannette & Mark’s wedding anniversary 34 years!
Traveling Rotarians: Honey from Spokane compliments of Jill Duerig, and an African Liqueur from Mark Hudson, Anne Wilburn from Kentucky brought a Bourbon glass. Bennie from Kentucky custom cutting board. Nice gifts :)
Chili Cookoff is Saturday, still need pop up tents!
Football Follies: It’s a long season, and as of today Eric & Lori are tied for first place with Ed Schumann only one point behind.
Avenues of Service-October 19 8:00am-2:00pm India Community Center 525 Los Coches St. Milpitas Ambassadors of Compassion is featured
Halloween Party October 30, 6-9pm Register on RCLV site Limit is 60
November 6, Dinner with Residences at Goodness Village 5:30-7 Marty’s Food Truck
Chalk Talk
Ed Schumann is back!
1962, the Oakland Raiders lost their first 5 games. They fired their coach, hired a new lost the next 8 games. They only won their last game. Did you know their first team colors were Black & Gold?! From all of these depressing performances the Fantasy Football industry was born
Laura is a Master Gardener, and Horticulture Professor. She has served 8 years at LPC after graduating from the LPC Horticulture program. Laura was a Vet tech in a prior career. She is a part time faculty and a curriculum coordinator. She earned her master gardener certification from UC in 2019. The Master Gardeners volunteer at the Demo garden at Martinelli Center, and local Farmer’s Markets. It’s a community outreach organization. Master Gardeners use science based research for plants. This link includes events, watering tips for trees and other plants, and a link to the Livermore Demonstration Garden